Foundation Recipients and Fundraising Events

Benny’s Foundation is super excited to offer our annual Christmas fundraiser. This year we have Woodland gnomes made from fresh greens. All the details are in our post. If you can’t make it for this fun day but would like a gnome we can also make one for you for pickup or delivery. This fundraiser will help us purchase some extra grocery giftcards to donate to Doctor Chatur and McGonigle’s for families at Christmas
Message us to book your spot!

I had the honour to be part of Willa’s 10th birthday as we celebrated her in heaven. You see this beautiful girl was one of the only friends that Benny had the opportunity to have in his 5 years. She was fierce and I loved watching how Brave she would help Benny be. Especially at swimming. Benny would see Willa do it so then he would do it. I have no words that would even come close for how so grateful I am for Willa and her amazing family. We’ve been through a journey together that we wouldn’t wish on anyone. Yet her family has always supported mine and showed us so much love even through their hardship and sadness. Andrea was the first person that came to our room when Benny left this world. Even though Willa was fighting for her life she was there helping me as mine was falling apart. When I tell you Willa is fierce you know she got it from her Mamma. Everyone should have the honour of knowing this family because you would know true love.
We are honoured that Willa’s family and friends donated $2061.35 to Benny’s Foundation yesterday at her 10th Birthday Lemonade stand. I can’t wait to fill the poke box at Doctor Chatur and McGonigle’s with everything Willa loved and the amazing donation we will be able to make in giftcards for Thanksgiving.
Thank you to everyone that helped make this happen and for showing Willa’s family so much love yesterday on a super hard day.
WillaStrong BennyBrave

~This is Family~
This summer James and I embarked on a new journey. Benny loved Fairmont, he loved that we got to spend 3 stress free summers together with our family while he was going through treatments. It was a time where we could be carefree and just feel the love of our family. Where we just got to be normal. Tonight we did our 3rd annual Benny cocktail night to raise funds for Benny’s Foundation at our very own condo. We’ve spent the last few days being surrounded by our family the people that loved Benny and that he loved to be with. This place will always be special to us. This is our family, our village the people that have helped our broken heart. This is FAMILY

So excited to share with you all that on March 23/24 we raised an amazing $5922.75 at our Virtual Golf Tournament and Silent Auction
We’re so grateful for everyone’s support and hard work in making this happen. Can’t wait to do it again next year.

As we start another difficult year without our Benny we wanted to thank everyone for all the support this past year with his Foundation. We accomplished everything we wanted to and tried a few new things. Most importantly we got to Spread Benny’s Love and that’s the most important part of our journey. We donated Benny bags full of love for families and kids, filled Benny’s poke box multiple times throughout the year at Benny’s doctors office, donated $1500 in giftcards and toys to families at Christmas time that needed some extra cheer. We also Honoured Benny during his Birthday month with the Kids with Cancer House and were able to donate another $5000.00 to be used to purchase parking passes for families. We had our annual Christmas craft day and released message balloon’s on Boxing Day. Stay tuned as we have started planning some fun new events for this year. Thank you to everyone again and from Benny’s Foundation we wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year but most importantly we wish that no other child and family have to go through the cancer journey. I’ve added a few of my favourite pictures of us honouring and missing our beautiful boy this year.

Being surrounded by love and family makes Christmas a little bit easier. We couldn’t release lanterns this year because it’s so dry outside so my in-laws ordered the next best thing. Blue ballon’s. We wrote our messages to Benny and let them go. It was so beautiful and James and I felt so loved

When you work with the most amazing staff! My store gifted Benny’s foundation with over $630.00 in gift cards and a bag full of Benny’s favourite. Hot Wheels

Putting together a special Benny bag for a Mandalorian fan

Thank you Todd @Amsdell Companies for the super generous donation to Benny’s Foundation in honour of one of my favourite humans. This will help us Spread Benny’s Love this Christmas

Some people come into your life when you need them the most and stay for the hardest and ugliest parts of your life. The day I met Kaitlyn was the day I knew she had to be a part of Benny’s life and that’s why we chose her to be Benny’s godmother. She’s been through all the hard days with us and to this day she still honours Benny. Today she gifted me these 2 embroidered pictures of Benny. I’m so honoured to be surrounded with so much love

Doing all the things that Benny would’ve loved. Benny loved wearing his Cleveland Indians hat during chemo.

~ Being a family means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life ~On a beautiful Sunday night we took our annual family photo at Benny’s bench. 4 years of this grief journey and I’ve learnt that time does not heal and time does not make any of this easier on my heart. But what I do know is that this grief journey cannot take away our love for Benny. I’ve said it 100 times this village of mine wraps us up with so much love and always supports James and I in everything that we do. This is Family.Just missing my Brothers family and my cousin who’s taking the picture

Having some fun and raising some money for Benny’s Foundation. Our 2nd annual family cocktail tasting night was a success with Benny’s dad taking first place with the Zelenskyy. It’s a blue and yellow drink representing our Ukrainian flag. Blue for the skies of Ukraine and yellow for the abundance of wheat fields and for the President that is fighting for our people and land.

Another Benny bag going out this week to a special girl

1,461 days ago we felt your heart beat for the last time. Everyday without you is painful but today the pain takes me breath away. I try to be grateful for each day but some days it’s a bit harder. I remind myself of all the good we’ve done in your name and how lucky I’am to be able to talk about you everyday. I know, in my heart we still have so much to do to honour you and to make sure other children don’t go through what you did. So today I picked out some of my favourite pictures of you to share and we will do you today. As much as my heart hurts on this day we will always celebrate you Benny

Happy 9th Birthday Benny! The last few days have been hard thinking about what 9 year old you would be like and look like We miss you like crazy……you loved birthdays and that’s what makes this so hard. We honoured you the best this year and took your Lightning McQueen with us to Vegas again and took a picture of him in front of the Statue of Liberty at the New York, New York. I miss you saying Daddy’s going to take us there one day Mamma.
We’re so grateful for all the love and support we’ve received through Honouring Benny with the Kids with Cancer Society a house that gave us so many amazing memories and a place that Benny loved. Together you all have helped raise $3890.00 and Benny’s foundation will add another $1000.00 for his birthday. You all have helped us raise over $14,000 in the 3 years that we have honoured Benny. That’s over 200+ parking pass’s to help relieve the financial burden on families that are fighting the hardest fight. James, myself and my family will be forever grateful to each and everyone of you.
I’m also super grateful for the amazingly strong warrior moms that reached out to me today. Through their grief they still help me with mine. They just get it. And my family, who honour and talk about Benny every day. They are who make up Benny’s Foundation with all their love! The link for Honouring Benny will stay open until the end of the day today

Our hearts are full. Thank you to every special person that helped us reach our goal and honour our sweet Benny. The link will stay open until April 25th, Benny’s birthday.

Today we start our 3rd year of Honouring Benny for what would’ve been his 9th birthday on April 25th. We’ve teamed up with the Kids with Cancer House again to help raise funds for much needed hospital parking passes for families that are fighting cancer with their child. For our family this was a huge burden lifted off of us as we spent weeks and months in the hospital at a time. We were always given a parking pass no questions asked from the house. To honour Benny is to know his love of cars and trucks. As much as we hated going into the parkade at the hospital he would always perk up a bit and be so excited to see all the different makes and models. He’d be in the back seat calling out if it was a new or old model.
This April we will be without our Brave boy for 4 years. 4 years without his beautiful heart and smile . With your generous help we have been able to keep his memory alive and have donated $9870.00 to the Kids with Cancer House in his memory to help other families. Every donation of $20.00 or more made through this link will be issued a tax receipt. We will keep the link open until April 25th Benny’s birthday.
Thank you for helping us spread Benny’s love! Click the link below to donate.

~ I carry you with me, always, in the blood of my bones, in the threads of every heartstring, I carry you with me ~
Thank you to Nana Najem for creating exactly what I wanted so beautifully. And to Larysa Luciw Photography for capturing Benny in this photo.

Today we where busy Spreading Benny’s Love! I got to have a quick visit with Benny’s Doctor McGonigle(he gives the best hugs when you really need them )while I dropped off $1500.00 in Safeway gift cards and a box of Benny’s super hero’s. The gift cards will be given to families that are in need of some Christmas cheer this year.
Then I came to work and my amazing co workers left these bags of goodies for us to be able to help more families. This year they decided to support Benny’s Foundation. I couldn’t be more grateful to be able to work with such caring people.
Thank you to everyone that came and supported Benny’s Foundation today. It was so awesome to be able to be together again. We have a few DIY outdoor pots left if anyone is interested

We had the most beautiful afternoon celebrating our Benny with so many other families. Thank you Kids with Cancer Society for honouring all our children today.

Please join us in a DIY Workshop to create a Christmas Wreath or Christmas Outdoor Pot. This is the first time we have been able to gather in person for 2 years. Come for some Christmas cheer and a relaxing afternoon. Wreaths are $80 and Outdoor Pots are $100.
Please private message us as we have limited quantities. We are so excited to be able to offer this workshop. Looking forward to seeing everyone. If you feel more comfortable creating at home we will have kits available. If you are unable to attend and would like a wreath or pot, we can make one for you as well.
November 26th, 2022 at the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex 9615-153 Ave. Please email us to book your spot.

Another amazing year with an amazing family. This is my village. My grief has been heavy the last few months. Lots of lows but also lots of amazing highs like this week. I’m working hard at just learning to live with my grief instead of trying to fight it.
This village of mine though……are the greatest. This is where I feel the most at peace. Benny’s Bench 2022
We also found out that the AMAZING maintenance team at Mountainside Villas are the ones that surprised us with Benny’s car in his bench. I got to meet Gary today but missed Johnny. So grateful for these two amazing souls.

When you have the greatest family. Tonight we did our first annual family beer tasting fundraiser for Benny’s foundation. My Uncle and Benny’s foundation where the big winners

So last year we gorilla glued and taped one of Benny’s hot wheels under his memorial bench in Fairmont where we vacationed with him. This year when we came back we where so disappointed to see that it was not underneath anymore But when we looked up we saw this it took my breath away and filled my heart with so much love
Thank you to who ever did this. You don’t know how much this means to James and I.

Thank you to everyone that made this possible! Together we raised $5270.00 for a cause so important to James and I. In the last 2 years you have helped us honour Benny on his birthday and we have raised over $9,800 to help fund parking passes for families going through cancer treatment.
I’m extremely proud that we get to Spread Benny’s love…..ALWAYS
We are super excited to team up with the Kids with Cancer to Honour Benny for the second year. Starting today until Benny’s birthday April 25th we will be raising money for parking passes. Last year we raised $3600.00 and Bennys foundation donated $1000.00 on his birthday. Donations over $20.00 made through this link will receive a tax receipt. Thank you for helping us Honour Benny with something he loved

~Sometimes real superhero’s reside in the hearts of children fighting big battles~ Thank you so much to Laurel Hawkswell for creating Benny’s superhero. It’s everything I visioned.

Another Benny bag going out tomorrow for one special little guy

This message. Spreading Benny’s love….

Pretty excited to share that Barb from Barbarry Designs sold 150 Benny feathers and donated $750.00 to Benny’s Foundation. I met Barb when I saw her ad for beautiful stain glass feathers that she made in her studio. When I went to pick them up she had made them exactly how I wanted, in Benny’s favourite colour blue. When I told her why I needed them and explained to her Benny’s story she came back with wanting to donate $5.00 from every feather sold. So grateful to have had this chance meeting with someone so generous and supportive

Even Super Hero’s need to quarantine

We where spreading Benny’s love today We dropped off Benny’s super hero’s and $1000.00 worth of Safeway gift cards to Benny’s doctors office to be given to families for Christmas. We also filled the Benny box full of great poke prizes. This is one of my favourite yearly deliveries.

We are all set up and ready for some Christmas shopping at the ACUA Christmas market

We are busy getting ready for the ACUA (Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts) Christmas market on Dec 4th. We will have both Ukrainian and English Christmas pillows.

It was a super hero kind of delivery day today. Benny would’ve been over the moon seeing all his favourite super hero’s in one picture. We’ve had a heck of a time trying to find the TY beanie Marvel super hero’s anywhere and they’ve finally been re-stocked on one website from the east. These Marvel hero’s go to the real life hero’s at Benny’s paediatrician’s office. They are given to a child that needs to be extra brave during a hard poke or procedure.

It’s that time again to do our annual fall fundraiser!With all the Covid restrictions still in place we have decided to make it a DIY again. As much as I wanted it to be a group fundraiser everyone’s safety is our number one priority. I’m excited that my friend Diane from Dress Your Mess has offered a DIY sign fundraiser. We are offering a 12×24 sign that you can pick from her options or a custom for $50.00.We will provide everything you need to make this sign. I will be able to deliver the DIY signs to anyone in Edmonton or pick up will be on the North side. As soon as we receive your etransfer we will send you a email link to choose your sign. As Diane needs time to get everyone’s sign together, cut off for this fundraiser will be October 23, 2021. So don’t miss out! These signs are high quality and all proceeds will go to Benny’s foundation so that can gift a few more Benny bags before Christmas
Message me if you have any questions! Options that are available are in the pictures above.

I’ve been missing my boy fiercely the last few weeks. It’s been hard…. but today I received this beautiful picture and message. I come from an amazing loving family that have honestly kept me a float since Benny left and I feel like they can feel when I’m starting to drown again. And that’s when I receive the most special message’s that take a bit of the sadness away.This is Benny’s cousin Vera. Benny and Vera where born 3 months apart. Benny loved her and her sister. He would be so proud of her as I am.
It was Terry Fox run day at school. Vera ran for Benny

Happy National Dog day to Benny’s best buddy. Molson

Celebrating our Benny for the 2nd year at his bench with the people he loved the most Just missing a few extra people and my Uncle who took the picture.

Another Benny bag going out to a Brave little girl. Benny’s bags are packed full of all the things that Benny loved and the things we found most comforting. And of course Benny’s favourite Michelangelo.

We did it!! Thank you to everyone that honoured Benny for his Birthday and blew our original goal out of the water. My heart was full today

We are super excited to partner with the Kids with Cancer House to raise money for parking passes to honour Benny in what would’ve been his 7th birthday on April 25th. We spent many days in the hospital sometimes multiple times a day and never had to worry about paying for parking. This financial burden was taken off our plate because of the house. Anyone that has a sick child knows how important time is with your child. The Benny Brave Foundation will make a $1000.00 donation in honour of Benny and all the other families that will need this in their journey. We challenge everyone to help us make a difference and to help us honour our beautiful boy. Everyone that knew Benny knew of his love of cars and trucks. Every time we entered the parkade he would randomly name makes and models of cars and trucks. So this challenge is totally fitting of our boy. We ask that people share this post and link like crazy. Donations made through this link will receive a tax receipt from the Kids with Cancer.

I’m so excited about our next new adventure Please check out @barbarrydesigns. Barb has created this beautiful blue feather to honour Benny. With every blue feather sold $5.00 will be donated to Benny’s foundation that will help us spread his love.
We’ve worked hard this year to do our part to try and support as many local artists and products. Barb is located in St. Albert and has so many amazing pieces to choose from. Check her out and help us spread the word about Benny’s feathers.
Each feather is $35.00
To purchase a stain glass feather please email Barb at [email protected] and she will respond to your email. For anyone ordering internationally you’ll need to go through Barb’s Etsy shop. The extra cost is for shipping fees.…/benny-brave-stained-glass-feather

How awesome are these backpacks from Dear Little Wild? I swear they where made for the BRAVE superheroes that will get them. This ones going out tomorrow to a sweet family.

Everyone that knows Benny knows that he had a love of cars and trucks. He could tell you what make and if it was new or old. We would spend hours “parking” the car on the driveway. It didn’t matter if it was +30 or -30 we would do it. The child life specialist at the hospital would have the poke prize box filled with hot wheels because they knew how much Benny loved them. Benny and I had a tradition that I miss so much. Every Christmas we would go pick out a hallmark ornament for the year. His would always pick the car and truck series. These never actually hung on the tree because they where always with him. But his favourites where his mustang and his truck. I didn’t go to hallmark last year because my heart was so broken that we couldn’t do it together but I did this year. It was hard, I cried all the way to the store and back. It took every ounce in me not to crumble as I stood looking for his ornament. This years was a red ford 350, Benny would’ve been so excited. In December I asked my friend Marina if she could do a piece for me. Marina is the most talented artist. She created this piece with Benny’s cars. His mustang, truck and the new red truck. I’m just blown away….I can’t stop looking at it. I will treasure this forever @Marinaboytinckwatercolourart thank you!!

· SATURDAY SUPPORTERS! The Sieben family dropped off toys they bought for the Kids with Cancer Society, as well as a decorative sleigh crafted for the House! The Siebens raised the money to purchase the toys by doing a candle fundraiser. Posted from the Kids with Cancer Society facebook page.

Just wanted to let you know we’ve officially had Benny’s foundation going for a year!! It’s super exciting but bittersweet that our Brave boy has been gone for 18 months already. 18 months without seeing his beautiful smile. We just wanted to update you on what we have accomplished in the last 356 days.
We’ve been able to give 7 Benny bags with 5 more ready to go as soon as this Covid stuff calms down. We’ve sourced some amazing things that are all either locally or Canadian made. That excites me!! Each Benny bag is worth $500.00. Pictures will be posted as soon as they find homes.
$1500.00 worth of Safeway gift cards have been donated to Benny’s paediatrician’s office during Christmas and Thanksgiving to make sure that everyone was able to enjoy a good meal. (Benny loved celebrating and good food). We are just $400.00 short of being able to donate another $1000.00 worth of gift cards for Christmas this year.
27 superheroes were also given out to any child that needed to be a bit more BRAVE when they received a needle poke. Thank you to everyone that sent us a picture with their child and superhero. Those pictures and messages always seem to come when my heart needs it the most.
We have had numerous AMAZING fundraisers that all of you have supported us in. You all make James and I feel so loved! We had a Benny Brave Foundation meeting last week and I’m super excited to show you our next adventure. This box is full of “awesome” needle poke prizes. We will keep it full and it will stay at Doctor Chatur’s office. We’ve filled it with some of Benny’s favourites especially cars and some cute girl stuff that I’m pretty sure he would’ve ok’d or told me that his best buddy Willa would love. This tote is just a stand-in until our custom Benny Box is built I can’t wait to share it with you all.
We are also looking to make a donation of toys in Benny’s name to the Kids with Cancer house for Christmas. Benny loved this house and it will be our way of starting to give back to a house that gave Benny and us so much.
So that in a nutshell has been the last 356 days, can’t wait for the next 356 days. Thank you to everyone that has helped us in “Spreading Benny’s love”.

On November 28, 2020, we will be doing another Christmas Craft day. This year we will be doing smaller groups to follow COVID restrictions and we are also adding a DIY take home sleigh so that you can do it at your own home if you prefer.
To register in class please see the eventbrite link:
To take home a DIY kit:

**UPDATE: We have another order coming Sept 5. If your interested P/M us for ways you can secure your Benny candle 💙
Our delivery of Benny candles came today all the way from Saskatchewan. I’m so grateful to Shanna and Brooke from Flicker Candle Co. The Benny Brave candle is a 10 ounce hand-poured soy wax candle with an amazing London fog scent. It’s the perfect combination of bergamot, lavender and vanilla. We only have a limited amount and can deliver in Edmonton and send it to where ever you are. If you’d like an amazing scent let us know. $32.00 with all profits going to Benny’s foundation 💙💙💙💙

On July 25th, 14 months to the day that Benny left us we let his ashes go around his memorial bench and the creek it sits in front of.
The evening was full of emotions but James and I couldn’t have felt more loved and supported by our family. We gave everyone the opportunity to spread some of Benny’s ashes because these where the people that he loved the most 💙
And as we walked back to our place a beautiful rainbow appeared just as beautiful as the one that stretched across the sky the day Benny left. We like to believe that it’s Benny’s way of letting us know he’s ok.

I was asked to write a piece from my current self to myself before I was a mom by Jenny at Dear Little Wild. I was honoured to share Benny and his story. Jenny has been a huge supporter of Benny and myself and has done a lot for us. Benny loved Dear Little Wild clothes and he happens to be wearing one of Dear Little Wild shirts in the picture. Thank you so much for this opportunity to share a little of Benny with everyone. 💙
“So be as brave as he is.”
WOW, Vanessa. You’ll marry your Prince Charming and make a home! You’ll struggle with fertility, but you will become a mamma.
What I need to tell you is that the first two will be easy. The last one will test you, almost kill you. Your heart will feel that amazing love a mamma feels when she holds the love of her life for the first time. You will also feel the most horrific pain that a mother can feel, the most unnatural feeling in the world.
You’ll be a mamma to the bravest, kindest, sweetest blue-eyed boy. He’ll teach you to love unconditionally and to be brave even when you feel you can’t. Because the thing is, you will only have him for 1,854 days before he has to go back to God.
So be as brave as he is. He’ll enrich your life more in 1,854 days than all the days of your life. He’ll leave a mark on everyone that crosses his path, and he’ll show you how to live every moment of your life unselfishly. He’ll wipe your tears on hard days and tell you he’s ok, to prove to you that you can be brave too. You’ll be his everything – his protector, boo-boo kisser, cuddler, and hair-twister on days when he needs comfort.
You’ll also learn that you have the most fierce, loving family. They will pick you up in your darkest times. Always be grateful for them, they will carry you for a long time. They will never let you be alone.
You will have the hardest 356 days after your brave boy leaves. It will test you, your marriage, and everything you believe in. You will struggle with mental health and your faith. It’s ok to not be ok.
And you will do good. You will be brave. You will be an advocate. You will have the chance to spread your boy’s love. You will be pushed so far out of you comfort zone it will change you as a person. It will change everything you believed in. But you will make it. It might not be today or tomorrow or even in another 356 days, but you will be brave. So be gentle with yourself, stand up for yourself and others and live everyday gratefully. You will learn that ‘Life is under no obligation to give us what we expect.’
Now go enjoy a glass of wine and sun on your patio.
Much love,
Vanessa (Mamma to Benny Brave)

“With Mother’s Day around the corner we would like to dedicate our New Blue Butterfly Scrub to our dear customer Vanessa and her son Benny. $5 from the sale of each Scrub will be donated to the @bennybravefoundation. Vanessa and her husband James started Benny Brave foundation after losing their precious son Benny, only 5 years old in May 2019 after a long courageous battle with cancer. Benny Brave foundation is Inspired by Benny’s love of sharing and helping others. Benny’s foundation assists children and their families with expenses incurred while undergoing paediatric treatments.”
We are so excited and grateful to Ember for this generous offer. Please support our friends at Ember. Their stuff is amazing. You can check them out at

I’m so grateful that I work for a understanding company. While we where fighting Benny’s battle Safeway gave my the time off that I needed to be with Benny and they held my spot for just about three years. They’ve supported us through our go fund me and Benny’s Foundation. Today Safeway stores gave back to a charity of their choice to help out with all the craziness in the world the last few weeks and my store picked Benny’s Foundation. We received 10-$100.00 Safeway gift cards that will help some hospital families.
So grateful!💙💙💙💙💙
Spreading Benny’s love 💙


We are so excited to have out first pub night. February 29th, 2020 at the Canadian Brew House (St. Albert by Costco) Tickets are $10 a piece and include a $6.99 voucher. We have many silent auction items such as a pair of tickets to a Eskimo game, a child size ATV, photography session, and many more. ALL proceeds going to out Foundation to support families. Please contact us to purchase your tickets.

We are so happy to have received a message from a family that received one of our Benny Bags over Christmas. Sending prayers and thoughts this little warrior’s way. This makes our heart full. Our goal was just to make someone’s life a little brighter for a moment while their littles ones are going through the unimaginable.
“My name is Lindsey and my husband’s name is Randy. And our 3.5 year old son named George is currently in hospital waiting for his second heart transplant.
It has been a wild 3 years full of hospital visits, but this has been our longest stay, over 6 months, as we wait for his special gift.A little while ago, Dr Chatur gave us an incredible gift basket from your family, and from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much.
We have Benny’s story and photo on our wall and I read it every night. I am so sorry for your loss. Benny sounded like such a strong and amazing child.
These kids absolutely amaze me, their resiliency throughout all of this.
Again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for your generosity. It helped give some hope and sparkle during this scary time. ❤️”

Just about ready to help some families 💙 Benny’s bag is full of Benny’s favourite and comforting things. Can’t wait to spread Benny’s love 💙💙💙

October 28, 2019. Yesterday was a special day. Willa was the first recipient of the Benny Brave Foundation. This family is extra special to us, as Willa and Benny where friends. Willa is the most fierce beautiful little girl I’ve ever met. She’s fought a hard fight to be able to still be with us and she is also the reason we will keep fighting. Her mom and dad amaze me beyond words and I love them to pieces! #Willastrong💜

Christmas Wreaths
On November 16, 2019, we held our very first fundraiser. We made Christmas wreaths. 44 people attended and we had an awesome time. We raised $3520.00 that day. Thank you so much to all the participants for their support.